Maandag 2 september
Now is your chance!
You are:
- Available on monday, thursday or friday from 9:00-17:00
- Motivated to learn a new skill, ARE Creative and reflective
- Willing to set good boulders for others, not cool boulders for yourself
- No minimal level required, We also need setters that climb 5c
Sounds like you? Join our try-outs!
Dates: 13/09, 14/09, 20/09, or 21/09
Set 2 boulders in a style and grade as assigned by the chief.
Approach Herman, Wiep or Jordan.
or send an email to Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.l with info about yourself and your motivation to set.
Good qualities for setters
- Self aware. Know what you're good at, what climbing style you prefer
- Empathic. Know what our customers can do, what they like and don't like. If you want to set cool boulders for yourself don't bother applying, We're setting good boulders for our customers
- Creative. Try funky stuff. surprise us and be ready to defend your choices.
- Good technique / movement analysement. Understanding climbing technique and movement is by far the greatest benefit for a good setter
- Tool Handling and Workmanship. You can safely work with power tools and ladders.
Try outs
- You will be invited on one of the following dates: 13/09, 14/09, 20/09, or 21/09
- Set 2 boulders in a style and grade as assigned by chief
- Up to 6 people that are promising will enter the next phase of the selecting program
Selecting program
- Together we choose 3 setting days between 7 October and 4 November.
- More room for your own creativity and involvement
- Unpaid
- If you've shown enough progress during the training program you are invited to join the setting team with the trainee program.
Trainee program
- A maximum of 1 or 2 trainees can join each setting day as too many people to manage will influence the normal setting too much.
- Depending on your availability, your quality and the amount of trainees expect a frequency that varies between once a week and once a month
- On average the setting team works a total of about 8 man-days a week. Divided over a team of 6-10 setters.
- Our main setting day is monday, and sometimes thursday an/or friday
- Paid position
- Total training program to become an independent setter at Cube will take between 12 and 24 setting days.
Vrijdag 26 juli 2024
Wij zoeken per direct een enthousiaste trainer voor Cube Kids en volwassen boulderaars.
Kan jij er voor zorgen dat onze klimmers meer plezier beleven aan het boulderen?
Kan jij ze helpen om beter te boulderen?
Samen met je collega’s verzorg je leuke en effectieve trainingen.
Je hebt ervaring met het geven van trainingen en je spreekt Nederlands.
De trainingen geef je op dinsdag of woensdag of donderdag en zaterdag.
Wij bieden je een plek in ons geweldige team.
Een marktconforme beloning,
Mogelijkheden voor opleidingen en cursussen,
Gratis boulderen, flinke korting op klimspullen en klimschoenen.
Stuur jouw motivatie en CV naar Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.
Our coolest bouldering event of the year!
Ice Cubes is our big summer event full of beautiful boulders (of all levels), special holds, spectacular finals and a wild cocktail party.
For you that means: During the day hard bouldering on 60 of the most beautiful boulders, and in the evening watching a spectacular final while sipping a cocktail.
- The coolest boulder event.
- We reset the entire gym.
- 60 boulder problems. Quality, not quantity.
- Level 4 - 7c (More than half of the problems will be 6A or easier)
- Spectacular Finals.
- Community Vibes.
- Big cocktail party.
We will invite some of the the best setters from the Netherlands and Germany to so set their best boulders possible.
All the walls will be stripped of all other holds. We will have lots of volumes and a whole batch of new holds to work with.
The event will conclude with a cocktail party and a spectacular final where the best climbers will "show" what they're made of.
Program Saturday June 29th
11:00 Gym Open & Start Competition
18:00 End Qualification
18:00 Dinner
20:00 Finals
22:00 Result & Award Ceremony
22:00 Cocktail party
Please pre-registration before 20th of June:
> Entrance fee is € 17,50,-. Cube members pay €12,50
> Dinner fee is € 12,-
> Includes shirt
Register before 28th of June, no dinner available. a shirt cannot be guaranteed.
Tickets at the door: € 20.00
Participation is possible for ages 6 and up, but the boulders are tailored for adults.
We'll have 2 categories: Male and Female, which will have their final.
We will also announce the winners in the youth (<18) and veterans (40+) categories before the finals. Youth and veterans automatically take part in the adult category so they can take part in the final if they're good enough.
We’ll hold a big raffle with plenty of prizes for all our participants.
The winners will receive the -infamous- Ice Cubes Trophy
The people from Tankstation will provide a delicious Vegetarian/Vegan dinner for € 12,00.
Please register before June 20th to qualify for the pre refistration fee and so that we can guarantee a shirt and dinner.
Dinsdag 23 januari 2024
Op 10 februari hosten we de eerste regionale jeugdwedstrijd van het seizoen.
Van 9:00 tot 15:00 zijn er lekker veel kinderen over de vloer. Een aantal wanddelen is voor de wedstrijd gereserveerd maar het meerendeel van de hal is gewoon bruikbaar voor onze bezoekers, Zijn kinderen niet zo je ding en wil je een lekker rustig, kom dan na 15:00 uur.
9:00 Cube Jeugd Cup voor cube Mini's
10:00 Einde Mini's
10:00 Start regio wedstrijd Basisschool
12:30 Einde basisschool
13:00 Start regio wedstrijd middelbare school
15:30 Einde
Our coolest bouldering event of the year!
Ice Cubes is our big summer event full of beautiful boulders (of all levels), special holds, spectacular finals and a wild cocktail party.
For you that means: During the day hard bouldering on 60 of the most beautiful boulders, and in the evening watching a spectacular final while sipping a cocktai
- The coolest boulder event.
- We reset the entire gym.
- 60 boulder problems. Quality, not quantity.
- Level 4 - 7c (More than half of the problems will be 6A or easier)
- Spectacular Finals.
- Community Vibes.
- Big cocktail party.
We will invite some of the the best setters from the Netherlands and Germany to so set their best boulders possible.
All the walls will be stripped of all other holds. We will have lots of volumes and a whole batch of new holds to work with.
The event will conclude with a cocktail party and a spectacular final where the best climbers will "show" what they're made of.
Program Saturday July 1st
12:00 Gym Open & Start Competition
18:00 End Qualification
18:00 Dinner
19:30 Finals
21:00 Result & Award Ceremony
21:30 Cocktail party
Participation is possible for ages 6 and up, but the boulders are tailored for adults.
Entrance fee is € 17,50 Cube members pay €12,50. Spectators have free entry.
The entrance fee includes your participation and an Ice Cubes shirt
We'll have 2 categories: Male and Female, which will have their final.
We will also announce the winners in the youth (<18) and veterans (40+) categories before the finals. Youth and veterans automatically take part in the adult category so they can take part in the final if they're good enough.
We’ll hold a big raffle with plenty of prizes for all our participants.
The winners will receive the -infamous- Ice Cubes Trophy.
The people from Tankstation will provide a delicious Vegetarian/Vegan dinner for € 12,00.
Please register before June 25th so that we can guarantee a shirt and dinner.
Woensdag 25 mapril 2023
De aanmeldingen voor onze jeugdtrainingen blijven binnenstromen en voor diverse groepen hebben we al langere tijd een opnamestop.
Daarom starten we met jeugdtrainingen op de donderdag. De eerste lessen zijn op donderdag 11 mei, en jullie zijn die dag gelijk welkom voor een proefles.
De trainingstijden zijn:
15.00 tot 16.30 - Basisschool (9 tot 12 jaar)
16.30 tot 17.30 - Mini's (6 t/m 8 9 jaar)
18.00 tot 19.30 - Voortgezet onderwijs (12+)
Vanwege de drukte op zaterdagen kunnen wij jullie op dit moment nog geen 2e training voor de basisschool / middelbare school aanbieden. Wij verwachten dat we na de zomervakantie ook voor deze nieuwe trainingsgroepen tweede training in het weekend kunnen aanbieden.
Wil je je aanmelden voor een proefles stuur dan een mail naar Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. met je naam en je leeftijd en je voorkeur voor een groep. We laten je dan weten wanneer je langs kunt komen voor een proefles.
Vrijdag 14 april 2023
PARKING DECK IS CLOSED from 14/04 - 21/04!
Due to renovations, the parking deck will be closed from tomorrow until next Friday.
We suggest driving up the street towards de Singel to find a parking spot.
Inside de Singel it's paid parking until 7PM (Thursdays until 9PM).
Outside de Singel it's free parking. (only a 5min walk)